
Why the Invitation 101?

Because receiving God's love is just that simple... It begins with an invitation to know Christ; then the acknowledgment that you are a sinner (which simply means you acknowledge you have done some bad things - haven't we all?) and then recognizing that as a result, your life isn't all it could or should be.  Even if you don't see yourself as a "sinner" and think you're generally a "good person"; it's about recognizing that there is a God and He's higher than you and you could really use His help. I know I can!

Maybe you stumbled upon this page by "accident"( or Divine appointment? hmmm?) Or maybe you came here from another webpage or after reading my other blogs and, intrigued, you wanted to see more(yay!). Either way, welcome! and please know that I give all honor and glory to the Lord. He's the reason I write, paint, do poetry - live...

So here it is... I invite you to make the decision to follow Christ, I extend this invitation to you because it is the only invitation you will receive in your life that has an eternal reward...truly!

If that's what YOU want then just say this simple prayer -- with your heart wide open:

Dear Jesus... I know I am a sinner and I repent (deeply regret)my past deeds. I believe you died on a cross for me and my sins are forgiven by my faith in you. I believe you are the son of the Living God - Please come into life - I make you my Lord and savior! Amen!

Once you've said this prayer ...let someone know or a bunch of people even... find a good bible based church - and start reading your Bible right away!... don't have one: is the bible online - complete with study guides!

If you prayed this prayer - Welcome my Brother/Sister into the Kingdom - the heavens are rejoicing just for you!

If you didn't - please reconsider - "Repent, for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand " Matthew 4:17

Why the Invitation 101?

Because receiving God's love is just that simple... It begins with an invitation to know Christ; then the acknowledgment that you are a ...